Thursday, February 21, 2008

East Coast

Tentatively decided to leave Sydney on 13 March and get my bottom to leave the chair and do some REAL travelling!!! The route will be from Sydney via Brisbane and end at Cairns, this might possibily take one month. ^-^ So so looking forward to this. Afterall, this is the reason for me to leave HK and come to the Down Under (people call Australia the "Down Under"). So excited.

P.S. New housemates = 3 Swedish (2 of them are blonde). I do not know starting from when, I would also stereotype Swedish Blondes like others. Ha~


Anonymous said...

You know Australia in Latin means "The Southern Unknown Territory", so expect a lot of surprises!
Have fun. :)

tingzi said...

I will~~ :) wait to see some good pics from me~