Saturday, April 26, 2008

Does It Ring A Bell?

Twenty years from now I will be 48 years old, I am quite sure I will have at least one child and I will be working my head off at work, or at home. If I did not make the drastic decision to be a Working Holiday Maker last year, I am damn sure I will be praying to God every minute that my son or daughter will have the courage the do it. And I will be envying every young people who is willing to sacrifice the financial gain and bear the scorns & skepticism from their peers to walk this path.

Still remembered many many years ago, I told myself that I would like to live a life that is with no regret and after my death people will remember me. I guessed I’ve lived up to the first part of it so far.


rose said...

Yes, it did! ^^

Anonymous said...

happy for you. i fully support you la.
out of curiosity though, when're u going back to hk?
